11 things that present-you can do that future-you will thank you for

11 things present-you can do that future-you will thank you for:

1. Start your will.

We’re intuitively averse to facing our finitude but there are benefits to beginning with the very end in mind.

2. Refill your ice-cube trays.

It’s a messier job than it should be but the pleasure later is worth the pain now.

3. Make your bed.

The ultimate non-urgent but important task; start the day with a quick win.

4. Save some money.

It doesn’t have to be much but the earlier and more regularly you do it, the more time compound interest has to do its magic (if you leave it alone).

5. Message a friend.

Don’t wait for a reason. If you think of someone, however briefly, let them know.

6. Publicise your goals.

Scary, yes. But effective. We’re 42% more likely to achieve them if we write them down. 65% more likely if we tell someone else.

7. Say 'no'.

If everything is important then nothing is. Focussing on what matters means saying no to what doesn’t.

8. Navigate by compass.

Focus not on what you want but on how you want to be. Don’t ‘run a marathon’; be a runner.

9. Get life insurance.

You resent every penny you pay; until you need it.

10. Write a personal mission statement.

Getting clear on what you want most of all can be a life-time's work. Better to start sooner rather than later. And later rather than never.

11. Thank your parents.

Don’t wait for them to die. Tell them today how much you appreciate what they’ve done for you. You owe them nothing; which is why you should thank them for everything.


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