90s career advisors have a lot to answer for

I know a little about a lot of things. A certified generalist. But as a teenager, this baffled career advisors and their aptitude tests.

I’m not great at maths or English. Just okay. I’m too impatient to go into detail, and I’d rather not be boxed in.

What I am good at? Noticing. Listening. Adapting.

Decades later, many of us still cling to the idea that earning a living means having a single career—picking one path and specializing. But that can narrow our options and dull our imaginations.

With a generation of parents who had jobs for life, is it any wonder we’re struggling to embrace the world of portfolio careers and side hustles?

Having a variety of creative interests isn’t a weakness; it’s a strength. It fosters innovation and opens doors.

Embrace the generalist within you. Explore, experiment, and build a career that reflects the many facets of who you are.


The mixtape career


The progress of your peers simple proves what is possible