Don’t manage people. Manage conditions.

Don’t manage people, manage conditions.

Because you can’t actually manage people. People can choose to subject themselves to your management. But that isn’t the same thing.

Once you rid yourself of the illusion that you can manage people you are no longer in control and therefore you are free. Free to manage the things you can control. The conditions. The conditions that best serve the people you no longer manage.

First, understand the people. Individually and collectively. To do that you need to get to know the people. Really well. Diagnose before you prescribe.

What motivates them?

What are they unclear about?

What do they need to do their best work?

How do their skills complement each other?

Where do their communication preferences differ?

What do they need to feel psychologically safe at work?

Why are they working for your organisation in the first place?

For your leadership team?

For you?

Second, make the fixed points clear. Boundaries are essential. Because whether we like the idea of not, we all need boundaries. Or at least, just the right amount of them. And once people know the boundaries, the fixed points, they are free to choose to stay and work within those boundaries. Or they are free to leave and work within someone else’s boundaries. Or their own boundaries.

If they choose to stay, you need to create the conditions most condusive to their success.

So third, work within the variables. Create the context.

Agree a definition of what success for them and for you looks like.

Ensure the desired outcomes of their work are clear and agreed.

Provide the tools they need.

Support them to develop skills.

Allocate the right amount of time.

Help them prioritise.

Align their work with the organisation’s vision.

Cultivate a safe culture.

And allow fun to happen (yes, work should be fun).

Get clear on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Then set out the boundaries of the ‘how’ and work with your people to fill in the gaps; the conditions. And then manage those conditions.

Because if you manage the conditions, the people will manage themselves.

#coaching #theatre #management


Make moments matter.


Meet people where they are.