Sometimes, every day feels like climbing a mountain.

Sometimes, every day feels like climbing a mountain.

Because some weeks, every day is like climbing a mountain.

Someone said this to me when I was leading and it stayed with me.

For a start, It helped to have my feelings validated.

And I was reassured by the fact that it is supposed to be hard.

But most of all, I was reminded that the challenge was there to be relished - and surmounted.

Because, in fact, I like climbing mountains.

There’s only one way to climb them:

One step at a time.

Envisioning the summit without necessarily knowing the exact route you’ll take to reach it.

Preparing the right kit.

Anticipating adversity.

Expecting change.

Staying together.

Packing a big lunch.

Reasons not to climb mountains:

1 It’s hard.

2 It’s time-consuming.

3 You can get blisters.

Reasons to climb mountains:

1 It’s hard.

2 The obstacle becomes the way.

3 The view at the top.

You can always come back down. There’s never shame in that.

Try again tomorrow.

Or Maybe another day.

Maybe never.

In fact, sometimes you realise you’re on the wrong mountain altogether.

And then coming back down is better than continuing up.

But if you’ve come far enough that you decide to finish, try this:

1 Keep the summit in mind

2 Lean on your team

3 Focus on the next step only

4 Catch your breath and refuel

5 Peek at the view so far and see how far you’ve already come

6 Remember this is not the first mountain you’ve climbed nor will it be the last

7 It’s supposed to be hard

“These mountains you are carrying you were only supposed to climb.”

But more than anything else, climb the mountains; don’t take them home with you.

They’ll still be here tomorrow.

Waiting to be surmounted.

One step at a time.


It’s okay to be on the edge of things.


5 ideas to have more (and better) ideas