On the other side of unoriginality lies originality

On the other side of unoriginality lies originality.

You just need to stay on the bus long enough to reach it.

The bus marked: perseverance.

All busses leaving the Helsinki Bus Station take the same road for a kilometre before diverging.

If you get off any bus too early, you end up in the same place.

But stay on a bus long enough and you can find yourself somewhere completely new.

Creativity loves patience.

And tenacity.

An idea is two pre-existing concepts in a new context.

So don’t sweat inspiration.

Or even imitation.

Take two or more pre-existing concepts.

Combine them.

Then bring the new context.

That’s you.

(And no one can do you apart from you).

Don’t let the feeling of unoriginality stop you.

Originality lies on the far side of unoriginality.

Be patient.

Be tenacious.

Stay on the bus.



As a writer, talent counts for nothing if you don’t do this one thing: persist.


Perseverance requires purpose, progress, people - and Perspective