So be it.

3 words, 6 letters.

Easy to say.

Difficult mean.

“So be it”.

The act of acceptance.

Acceptance of change

Of Difficulty.

Of Rejection.

The unexpected.

The inconvenient.

And the devastating.

It requires immense courage.

The courage to choose acceptance over rage, blame, denial.

It demands deep humility.

Humility to accept you are rarely in control of what happens

And it necessitates detachment.

Detachment from what was, what is supposed to be and what could have been.

Acceptance is not resignation.

It doesn’t mean you don’t take time to process the new reality in which you find yourself and the rolling waves of emotion it brings.

Neither does it mean you can’t stand up for what you believe in: after all, “it it’s not right, you need to put it right”.

And nor does it mean you should give up in the face of a challenge.

But It does mean you need to be alert to the responses you can choose between:

  • Refusing to abide by something that steps on your values.

  • Persistence in the face of possible failure.

  • Or acceptance of what you cannot control.

The first two of these can often come naturally: the third less so.

Which means we need to cultivate it.

So as a first step towards assimilating yourself to a new reality, here are three words to turn on and tune in to acceptance:

So be it.


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