Avoid the most common mistake people make when trying to deal with change

When things change we feel surprise. Confusion. Anger.

We don’t like these feelings. So we try and keep things the same. Or just ignore the change altogether.

And guess what? It doesn’t get any better.


Well, the mistake we’re making is reacting to change as though it was a situation. When in fact it is a process. Each phase of which demands a different response.

First, you feel surprise and shock.

You’re in phase 1: CHANGE. “What’s happened?” You needs facts.

Then you feel confused and isolated.

That’s phase 2: DENIAL. “This isn’t happening.” You need more facts.

Next you feel angry.

Phase 3: RESISTANCE. “This can’t be happening.” You need support.

Suddenly, you feel your perspective shifting.

Welcome to phase 4: EXPLORATION. “I see what’s happening.” You need support.

You begin to feel acceptance. You’ve reached phase 5: COMMITMENT. “I can choose a response to what’s happening/has happened.” You need inspiration.

Finally, you feel creative. Phase 6: PROGRESS “I know what I need to do now.” You need empowerment.

6 feelings. 6 phases. 6 needs.

So next time something changes don’t make the mistake of reacting.

Notice what you’re feeling. Diagnose which phases you’re in. Respond accordingly.

And things will get better.


No one falls in love


Most people think a career change is about changing what you do