New Year’s Resolutions work. If they work for you.

New year’s resolutions work.

Only if they work for you.

Where you’re at.

Right now.

Some years private goal-setting, public declarations of ambitious intent or personal positive affirmations feel right.

But there are other ways to capitalise on the motivation a fresh year can bring than the trusty resolution.

  1. Think not of what you want to do or achieve but of how you want this year to be for you. Ditch the daily TO DO list in favour of a weekly BE list. Switch from map drawing to compass building; focus on the journey not the destination.

  2. Start a To Not Do list: write down everything you’re not going to do this year. You could run a marathon but in all honesty are you going to? (that doesn’t mean you won’t - it just means it’s not a focus for this year). Getting clear on what you’re saying NO to makes it easier to focus on what you’re saying YES to.

  3. Set a five-year goal and let this be year one. Aim big - five years is a long time. Pick one realistically achievable first step and do it well. That will give you confidence to be more ambitious with step 2 this time next year. We overestimate what we can achieve in one year but underestimate what we can achieve in five. Build Cathedrals, not shopping malls.

What’s going to work for you this year?


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