The best away-days transform your year.

The best away-days transform your year.

If a great meeting leaves you feeling clearer, more motivated and better connected, a brilliant away-day crystallises vision, deepens passion and grows loyalty.

The best away-days supercharge your collective endeavour.

After all, your organisation is people working with other people to progress towards a common purpose.

And there is power in moments.

An away-day is a moment to celebrate achievement, elevate connection and share insight.

To swap stories of where you’ve been, why you’re here and where you’re going.

To rediscover why you care and why you matter.

To get clarity on your priorities for the year.

To bridge gaps between departments and find new allies in other teams.

The best away days are clearly intentioned; you can do anything but not everything.

The best away-days surprise us; they make it memorable by changing the script.

The best away-days create opportunity for appreciation; collective and individual.

The best away-days invite everyone to speak who wants to be heard.

The best away-days are future focussed and positively framed.

The best away-days are booked into everyone’s calendar at least three months in advance.

The best away-days are ‘away’.

The best away days come with a free lunch.

The best away-days aren’t made fun; they’re allowed to be.

The best away-days are the best day of the year.

What happens at your away-day?


Don’t get it right; get it written.


New Year’s Resolutions work. If they work for you.