On writing

This year, I became a writer. 20,089 words later, here are 12 things I’ve discovered about writing:

  1. Beginnings are really important.

  2. Writing is re-writing.

  3. Public writing is not writing, it is communication. 

  4. Writing gives chaos the appearance of order.

  5. Writing is the search for sense; stories are what give sense meaning.

  6. Middles are the hardest.

  7. “Tell the story of the mountains you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else's survival guide.” - Morgan Harper Nichols 

  8. Writers submit their work because writing is an act of submission.

  9. It will never be finished, only submitted in its current form.

  10. Writing is persistent failure. 

  11. So don’t get it right; get it written.

  12. Endings matter most.


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