Advice for Artistic Directors

I interviewed some of the UK’s top Artistic Directors this year; here’s what they told me.

On Getting the Job 

  • My best preparation for application and interview was joining a board.

  • I was temping until I became an Artistic Director at 38.

  • I became an Artistic Director because I wanted a home; and a home is a space for people.

  • My career is built on initiative, persistence, stamina, debt and the boxes I climbed out of.

On Being an Artistic Director

  • Being an Artistic Director can be lonely; so your relationship with the Executive Director is crucial.

  • The most important transferrable skill from being a Director to an Artistic Director is your ability to hold space for other people.

  • Be ready to lose a third of your funding, audiences and staff.

  • The most important thing a theatre can do is hold the work of the artist.

  • What I love most about my theatre is that it’s got soul.

  • I saw an opportunity to make my theatre a home to the community.

  • The same thing that keeps me up at night gets me up in the morning: leaving the theatre in a better place than I found it.

Advice for Artistic Directors

  • Keep a good Chair close. Keep a bad Chair closer.

  • Risk for risk’s sake is pointless.

  • As an Artistic Director, you can be the change you want to see.

  • You need to be available knowing you may never be called upon.

  • Do less, but do it as well as you can.

On What I’d Do Differently 

  • I wish I had been brave about saying no.

  • I wish I had worked in organisations where the Artistic Director had caring responsibilities.

On the Future of Artistic Directors

  • We should be looking inwards - then doing something about what we see.

  • The Artistic Directors of the future will be entrepreneurs, hustlers and collaborators.


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