Stop fearing change with these 5 rules

Fear of change is fear of the unknown. 

Some say, the only thing we have to fear. 

Reframe change as a process of discovery.

Make the unknown known by engaging your curiosity with these 5 rules: 

1. Prepare for change

By all means enjoy the status quo -

but know it’s not forever. 

2. Picture success

Know how you want to be:

even when you can’t control how things are. 

3. Overcome fear

We’re hard-wired to resist uncertainty:

so be alert but don’t be afraid. 

4. Avoid overanalysing

It’s impossible to make the ‘right’ choice:

sometimes good enough is good enough. 

5. Prepare for continuous change

The only thing that is guaranteed

Is that nothing is permanent. 

Except change itself. 


Life intruding on life is life


No one falls in love