Work alone can’t fulfil you—here’s why.

Clients often come to me searching for more meaning in their work.

But sometimes, it’s not the work that needs to change;

it’s their expectations.

Work often forces us to specialise

limiting our potential

when in reality

we contain multitudes.

The modern workplace and the colleagues it brings are relatively new inventions and we’re still figuring out how to manage them.

The natural breaks we once had

through religion or slower communication

are gone

leaving us with little time or energy for our personal lives.

Where we once personalised our work

and saw its immediate impact

we’re now part of large

slow-moving machines.

And the higher up the hierarchy we go

the further we get

from the very contribution we sought to make in the first place.

Away from the dopamine-releasing day-to-day tactical work

and towards the more anxious-ridden cortisol-fuelled business of managing other people

or the less immediately rewarding long-term strategic thinking.

The benefits we provide to others are so distant that

at the end of the day

we struggle to feel accomplished.

As we navigate this modern work landscape

it’s crucial to expand into the fullness of our lives

beyond just our jobs.


Two heads are better than one


Searching for fulfilment? Look no further.